Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blurry Tuesday

We caught our flight last night around 11pm.  Fly about 4 hours to Newark.  Luckily we caught the connecting flight to DC.  We decided to be adventurous and take The Metro to our hotel rather than take the easy way out and get a taxi.  All went fine, but we couldn't check in until later.  So, we left our bags and ventured out.  We wandered around near the White House (but never really saw it).  We were hungry by then and wanted to find food and then head to the Air & Space Museum.  We went to the first Smithsonian building (the National Museum of American History).  There they had a wonderful cafeteria (we were wondering if people around here either didn't eat at all or only ate hot dogs and pretzels), and Fonzie's Jacket!  We looked around the TV & movie exhibits (Dorothy's Ruby Slippers, Archie Bunker's chair, etc).  We also went through some war exhibits...beginning with the Revolutionary and going to current Iraq/Afghanistan.  Before leaving we saw a performance commemorating the 50th Anniversary of a Sit-In that occurred in Greensboro, North Carolina. 

By the time we got back to the hotel to officially check in it was time to get ready to register for Kids Speak Up! and go to the Welcome Ceremony and dinner.  It was great for me to sit around and talk to parents.  I asked what the people at our table did about swimming.  We talked about the different medications our kids have been on.  We talked about side effects.  There were kids with a variety of other disabilities, but also people you might never suspect have any issues at all. 

One speaker talked about the kids never being ashamed of talking about it.  Gave me something to think about.  I never would imagine Brennan would feel ashamed.  I haven't gotten a chance to ask him...it's nearly 6:30 in Arizona and 9:30 here in D.C. and he's asleep already.  I'm only up because of the second wind (might have to do with the sugar in the baklava that I ate) because earlier I was so tired I could barely walk straight. 

We took a few pictures and videos of today's adventure.  I'll try to make time to upload a few things tomorrow.

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