Thursday, November 7, 2013

About a Week & a Half

Brennan has been home about 11 days and it's been an interesting 11 days.  At first he was full of "I'm home!" energy and then suddenly he wasn't.  So day 1 & 2 were great.  Walking around, made a visit to his old school to pick his sisters up, and looking good.  Maybe it was too much excitement, but also the meds side effects started showing up again.  He was throwing up by Wednesday morning and then stopped eating much.  That lead to a general weakness and then to top it off on Wednesday evening he had a seizure while sitting at dinner (not eating).  It was the new kind of seizure - more of a absence or petite mal type of seizure, but also not exactly.

Thursday was more weakness, unsteady, not feeling like eating.  It was also Halloween - a big deal at our house.  Brennan dressed in modern Frankenstein's Monster type clothes and Abby did some makeup (including more scars to go along with the ones he already had.  We didn't think Brennan would be able to Trick-or-Treat much, but maybe visit some of our nearby neighbors.  While we were getting ready Brennan was handing out candy with his dad.  That lasted a few candy grubbing kids and then Brennan stopped and Alan could tell by the look on some poor kid's face that Brennan was having a seizure (sometimes we can tell by the look on someone else quicker than just watching Brennan).  It was again mild, but effective in cementing our standing as Scariest House on the Block.  Brennan rested the remainder of the night while adults took turns walking around with the other kids and handing out candy.  

Things did start getting better after Thursday.  Brennan started eating and getting stronger.  And this thing that Brennan has had on his face for probably a year started getting bigger!  So, on Monday I took Brennan to an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor and the lovely staff partially drained it and sent me home with instructions to drain it more (they put this wick thing in it that is being pulled out in stages - I'm writing on the blog right now to avoid the final pulling out).

Squishy/spongey blob thing on Brennan's face.
Brennan also went to an appointment with a physical therapist on Monday.  He'll be working on some eye exercises and just general strength while walking so that he'll be better able to handle walking around school when he goes back (probably next week!).

So, there you have it...recovery has been an interesting journey with no grand Hollywood ending, but we are still hopeful and today has been a good day!

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